Increasing efficiency to achieve our climate target
The performance of freight transport by rail is to be doubled. This increase in efficiency is important because in order to achieve climate neutrality by 2040, more freight transport is to be shifted to rail. In the Federal Government's Mobility Master Plan 2030, the modal split of rail in freight transport aims to be increased to 40 percent.
Digitalisation is on track
Digital processes play a major role in our TRACK FWD (German) digitalisation offensive. The exchange with our customers, innovative solutions and increased digitalisation help us to achieve our growth target in freight transport.
Your benefits
- More security through access control
- Time spent at the terminal is reduced by up to 30 percent
- More efficient use of transport units
- Simplified allocation of customer orders
- More efficient processing
Video gates for faster detection of trucks and containers
Together with Camco Technologies, a pioneer in innovative automation solutions for intermodal freight transport, video gate systems are being implemented at four locations. This will automate entry and exit processes of loading units and reduce processing and turnaround times at the terminals.
Arrival at the terminal. Stopping, getting out, filling in forms, waiting for the data to be tapped into the computer - only then does the journey continue again. Soon this will be a matter of the past ...

And this is how it works with the NEW video gates
Trucks pass through a massive steel frame, the video gate. High-performance cameras in several positions and sensors are installed on it, which automatically read out all relevant data such as container numbers, ISO codes and ILU numbers and feed them into the Terminal Operating System (TOS). Manual data collection is reduced to a minimum - the video gates do most of the work by themselves. The system also monitors the condition of the containers and trailers by providing precise, sharp images.
The first video gates will be installed at the Wien Süd terminal in spring 2023. Wels, Wolfurt and Villach will follow.
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Terminal Innovations
The first video gates have been installed at the Terminal Wien Süd. The information video for truck drivers shows a journey through the terminal. It shows, for example, registration with the authorisation card and the video gates at the entrance and exit.
Transcript of the video to read
Terminal News - Güterzentrum Wien Süd
Filming, text inserts & music in the backgroundTextinsert:
Terminal News Güterzentrum Wien Süd
Video gate entry - Maximum Speed 20 km/h - stop forbiddenThe video shows the innovations at the Terminal Wien Süd. The camera recording starts at the entrance and leads you through the entire area of the terminal - from the entrance through the video gate to the registration with the authorisation card to the exit through the video gate.
Text insert:
Registration with the authorisation card at the checker and afterwards in the terminal buildingIn the film recording, the procedure of registration with the authorisation card is shown.
Text insert:
Entry crane runway - only possible with authorisation card
Hold the card in front of the sensor - barrier opens, drive continues
Loading and unloading - remains the same
Video gate exit - maximum speed 20 km/h - stop forbidden
Kiosk exit - barrier automatically opens
Authorisation cards for even more security and transparency
Authorisation cards for kiosks and barrier systems ensure faster processing and more security at the terminals. Here, too, processing times are reduced so that we can become more efficient and increase our capacities in the long term.
Next phase of introduction started
As announced, the authorisation card system is entering the next phase. We are now asking all customers who act as authorised signatories to actively cooperate in the next steps. These customers will receive another information letter and a data submission form on 15.02.2023. As already announced, we need data on all the trucking companies that are sent to our terminals by our customers for delivery and collection. You will find detailed information and also the form in the download area. If you have any further questions, please take a look at our FAQs (German).
Waiting until the manual check for entry authorisation is granted and stored in the system - only then does the journey continue. Soon this will be a matter of the past ...

And this is how it works with the NEW authorisation cards
The authorisation cards for truck drivers are agreed with our customers in advance, approved and issued. Each truck driver receives his authorisation card in advance. When they arrive at the terminal, they can drive in at the barrier with the card, because it identifies the vehicle, the person authorised to dispose of it and thus legitimises them to collect the load. Manual entries by terminal employees are reduced to a minimum.
Current plans
As announced a few months ago, we are aiming to introduce the authorisation cards in July this year. We have completed the essential preliminary work and will be entering the data received into our systems in the next few weeks. This means that we will link the trucking companies that have named them to us in the system, issue the authorisation cards for the trucks and place them at the respective locations so that they can be collected from 17th of July 2023.
We will complete the final preparations in June and are planning to go live on 24th of July 2023. Please note that only the trucking companies that have been registered in the system by us on the basis of your notification and have been issued an authorisation card will then be able to deliver and collect for you. If you would like to register additional companies before going live or in the next few months, please submit them using the familiar form, which you can also find in the download area below.
Thank you for your support
Finally, we would like to thank you for your support and draw your attention once again to our FAQ. If you have any further questions, please contact us directly.