According to the Railway Act, infrastructure managers are obliged to publish Network Statements containing key administrative, technical and financial provisions and which, together with legislation, are therefore essential elements for access to rail infrastructure.
Key laws and regulations relating to rail network access
- Railway Act (EisbG) (Railway Act)
- Occupational Health and Safety Law for Railway Employees (EisbAV) (EisenbahnarbeitnehmerInnenschutzverordnung)
- Railway Passenger Transport Law (EisbBFG) (Eisenbahn-Beförderungs- und Fahrgastrechtegesetz)
- Law on Suitability and Inspection of Vehicles for Railway Use (EisbEPV) (Eisenbahn-Eignungs- und Prüfungsverordnung)
- European legal specifications, such as the Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSI)
Legal framework for the ÖBB network
- Network Statement
- ÖBB Infrastruktur AG GTC
- Contracts
- Licencing
- Regulations & standards