Product information
The railpower client and the railpower box client are web applications for PC, tablet or smartphone for your energy data management and the current and timely exchange of data. You can register and deregister traction units, view load profile and geodata in detail, load operating data and view all kinds of information and overviews. The overview of your bills can be found in M-AMA.
How you benefit
- Central data hub for your energy data management
- Simple, transparent and clear

New: railpower box client
The new railpower box client web application is integrated into our CONNY customer platform. With it, we offer the highest security standards and a functional design. A modern user interface and improvements in the background enable an even better service around data from the railpower box. This gives you, as usual, a precise overview of your traction unit administration. You can create co-users, have a detailed overview of load profile and geodata and view all kinds of information and overviews. To use the CONNY platform, a one-time registration is necessary. With the purchase of the railpower box you receive an access authorisation.

Web application railpower client
In the railpower client web application, only the functionality of uploading the BNNV (Bahnstrom-Netznutzungsvertrag) Annex 4 (registration and deregistration of traction units) and the BNNV Annex 5 (operational data message) for traction current billing in Austria currently remains.
Remaining functions in the railpower client web application
Overview traction current billing (German)
Translation of video transcript for reading
Animation, speaker in the background
The start page of the railpower client is open.
Speaker: In the traction unit registration and deregistration, you can carry out your registration for Annex 4 of the traction power grid usage contract.To upload your current data, select the current month in the cockpit.
Speaker: To do this, simply upload the message data you have already prepared in the excel template. The railpower-client automatically checks all data contents. Afterwards, it is possible to edit the contents directly and easily in the application. To do this, click on the "Editieren" (edit) icon in the respective line, make your adjustments, confirm them and then save them.Using the mouse, click on the button "Anlage 4 download" (annex 4 download).
Speaker: In order to make the last status of the edited data available as an Excel file, it is also possible to download it. To view the registration time report, please press the drop-down button.
Loading and editing operating data (German)
Translation of video transcript for reading
Animation, speaker in the background
In the "Head" of the "Cockpit", the menu item "Betriebsdaten" (operating data) is selected.
Speaker: Under operating data, upload Annex 5 of the traction current grid usage contract for transmission to the traction current operator. The plausibility of the operating data is checked in the upload process and can be edited in the system after the upload. This allows you to quickly and easily edit data that has already been uploaded and thus save time. Here, too, you have the option of editing your content directly in the application. To do this, click on "Editieren" (edit) in the respective line, make your adjustments and confirm them. Afterwards, you can save all your changes with one click. The transfer to the traction current network operator takes place through your confirmation with the "Freigabebutton" (approval button). This will start the billing process. After completing all the rework, you have the option of downloading both the original and the edited version. If you are looking for a specific train journey, you can find it using the filter function.
Contact us
Do you still have questions about the railpower box client? Our team of experts is happy to help you.