Regional railways in Lower Austria

Reshaping the region. In the coming years, 361 million euros will be invested in the expansion of regional railways in Lower Austria. The investments will secure jobs and added value for the regions.

Blick ins Kamptal mit Zug auf Brücke

My place for happiness. My Kamp Valley Railway.

Reshaping the Kamp Valley: In the coming years 97 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Kamp Valley Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

Current projects Traisen Valley Railway
Zug nähe Puchberg und Schneeberggruppe

My time out. My Puchberg Railway.

Reshaping the Puchberg region: In the coming years, 49 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Puchberg Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

Current projects Traisen Valley Railway
Stift Lilienfeld im Traisental, Mostviertel

My train to work. My Traisen Valley Railway.

Reshaping the Traisen Valley: In the coming years, 138 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Traisen Valley Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

Current projects Traisen Valley Railway
Fluss im Wald im Erlauftal

My change of perspective. My Erlauf Valley Railway.

Reshaping the Erlauf Valley: In the coming years, 77 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Erlauf Valley Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks renewed.

Current projects Erlauf Valley Railway