Documents and links

Here you will find all relevant information and documents for using the CONNY digital customer platform.

CONNY Manuals

CONNY Manuals
Caption File type File size Modification date
Handbuch Bahnstromnutzung.pdf PDF 732,3 KB 05.02.2025, 16:23
Handbuch Login.pdf PDF 418,8 KB 05.02.2025, 16:24
Handbuch Login neu.pdf PDF 628,9 KB 05.02.2025, 16:24
Handbuch Portal - Funktionen und Anwendungen.pdf PDF 772 KB 05.02.2025, 16:24
Handbuch railpower box client.pdf PDF 1,2 MB 05.02.2025, 16:23

Explanation of the documents

To make it easier for you to find the information you need, you will find brief explanations of the contents of the manuals listed in the table below.

Handbuch Bahnstromnutzung (Manual Traction current consumption, German)

Explanations on registration and login to the CONNY digital customer platform as well as an explanation of how to use the traction current consumption report application. 

Handbuch Login (Manual Login, German)

Explanation of registration and login (“old” method) to the CONNY digital customer platform. This method is still valid, but will be deactivated in the near future. We therefore recommend that you set up the new login method.

Handbuch Login neu (Manual New login method, German)

Explanation of the new login method for the CONNY customer portal with the option of linking your company account or local account to your CONNY profile. The improved method offers you more convenience and even greater security. We recommend that you set this up as soon as possible, as the old login version will be deactivated in the near future. See also the video “All information about the new and improved login method” with step-by-step instructions under CONNY.

Handbuch Portal - Funktionen und Anwendungen (Manual Portal - Functions and applications, German)

Important information on the registration process and login, explanation of the dashboard and the functions in CONNY, such as creating requests or complaints, managing personal data, access to the latest news and service catalog. See also video “Registration, login and functions” under CONNY.

Handbuch railpower box client (Manual railpower box client, German)

All information on using the railpower box client application (for energy data management and traction unit management) on the CONNY digital customer platform.