TSA-MAP 2030
As an important partner in the European freight network, Terminal Service Austria is already bringing people together, jointly developing new products and creating synergies for the entire economic area. By 2030, the terminals will be multimodal freight centres, enriched by many new services. Customers will benefit from shorter throughput times thanks to digital solutions and intelligent processes. This, together with the expansion of our terminals, will lead to increased capacity on the environmentally friendly railways.
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TSA MAP 2023
Film recording, Speaker, Textinsert and Music in the BackgroudTextinsert: The future of freight transport starts now. Strategic development of TSA until 2030
TSA MAP 2030
Modern multimodal freight centres in the heart of Europe
Doubling of capacities and expansion of existing facilities into multimodal freight centresSpeaker:
Our vision:
• Getting even more goods on rail by 2030.
• We are developing into a modern, multimodal freight centre of the future: efficient, versatile, environmentally friendly, and service-oriented – and all that in the heart of Europe.
Economic processes lay the foundation to eco-friendly rail transport in Austria. After all, more terminal capacity means more climate-friendly freight.Textinsert: Portfolio expansion: We will add many new services to our product and service portfolio at the terminal – while also increasing their quality – by 2030.
Speaker: Our terminal logistics range is ready for the challenges of the future: whether we are talking about refurbishment services on site, container depots, stuffing, or the storage of reefer containers. This also means attracting rail-oriented customers to freight centres in order to make freight transport by rail even more effective.
Textinsert: Getting more goods on rail: by strategically attracting rail-oriented customers to multimodal freight centres.Speaker: Digitalised processes save time and enable all players to increase their efficiency.
Textinsert: Digitalisation stands for growth and efficiency:
With a digitalisation degree of 80%, the terminal turns into an information hub.Speaker: The optimisation of all routes and data processes keeps everyone involved posted on the whereabouts of their freight at any given time – whether it’s at the forwarder, transported by rail, or at the terminal.
Textinsert: Integration of all information: Our vision? We use smart processes to shorten lead times, routes, and handling.
Speaker: The automation of hub procedures and the autonomous handling of trucks increases the efficiency of our processes many times over.
Textinsert: Automation and optimisation: A higher degree of automation and autonomous processes increases both safety and efficiency for everyone.
Speaker: Being fit for the future doesn’t just mean becoming fully digital – from freight registration to arriving at the destination. It also means communicating transparently and comprehensibly to create added value for all stakeholders.
Textinsert: Digital fitness: We interlink several digital systems in order to proactively communicate information. This enables our customers to always know where their loading unit is currently located and which slot is the best to get the goods to their destination.
Speaker: Closer partnerships lead to greater efficiency in freight transport all across Europe.
Textinsert: A strategic partner throughout Europe: TSA terminals are an integral part of the European freight network.
Speaker: We bring people together and jointly develop new products. We generate synergy effects for the entire economic area and are a reliable freight network partner, giving freight transport the important role it deserves. Across Europe and throughout Austria.
Textinsert: Linking markets: We are working together to advance freight transport throughout Europe – both today and in 2030.
The right equipment can save lives
Safety first! From the right protective equipment to speed limits and priority rules, there are many factors that contribute to safe terminal operations. Our video, with explanations in ten different languages, shows what is important. Together we can ensure maximum safety!
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Maximale Geschwindigkeiten im Ladebereich (Stapler, Kranbahn)English
Maximum speeds in the loading area (forklift, crane runway)Ukraine
Maksimalna brzina u području utovara (viljuškar, kranska staza)Polen
Maksymalne prędkości w obszarze załadunku (wózek widłowy, tor jezdny dźwigu)Rumänien
Viteza maxima in zona de incarcare (stivuitor, macara)Slovakei
Maximálna rýchlosť v nakladacej ploche (vysokozdvižný vozík, žeriavová dráha)Slovenien
Največja hitrost v nakladalnem prostoru (viličar, žerjavna proga)Tschechien
Maximální rychlost v ložné oblasti (vysokozdvižný vozík, jeřábová dráha)Türkei
Yükleme alanındaki maksimum hızlar (forklift, vinç pisti)Ungarn
Maximális sebességek a rakodási területen (targonca, darupálya)------------------------------------------------------
Richtige Schutzausrüstung rettet LebenEnglish
The right protective equipment saves livesUkraine
Odgovarajuća zaštitna oprema spašava životePolen
Właściwy sprzęt ochronny ratuje życieRumänien
Echipament de protecție adecvat salvează viețiSlovakei
Správne ochranné prostriedky zachraňuje životySlovenien
Ustrezna zaščitna oprema rešuje življenjaTschechien
Správné ochranné prostředky zachraňuje životyTürkei
Uygun koruyucu ekipman hayat kurtarırUngarn
Megfelelő védőfelszerelés életeket ment meg----------------------------------------------
Im Terminalbereich haben Stapler, Kräne, Schienenfahrzeuge immer Vorrang.English
In the terminal area, forklifts,cranes and rail vehicles always have priority.Ukraine
U zoni terminala nalaze se viljuškari, Dizalice, šinska vozila uvek prioritet.Polen
Na terenie terminala znajdują się wózki widłowe, Dźwigi, pojazdy szynowe zawsze priorytetem.Rumänien
În zona terminalului există stivuitoare, Macarale, vehicule feroviare întotdeauna prioritate.Slovakei
V areáli terminálu sú vysokozdvižné vozíky, Žeriavy, koľajové vozidlá vždy prednosť.Slovenien
Na območju terminala so viličarji, Žerjavi, tirna vozila vedno prednost.Tschechien
V prostoru terminálu jsou vysokozdvižné vozíky, Jeřáby, kolejová vozidla vždy přednost.Türkei
Terminal alanında forkliftler bulunmaktadır. Vinçler, demiryolu araçları her zaman öncelik.Ungarn
A terminál területén targoncák, Daruk, vasúti járművek mindig prioritás.
Terminal Service Austria: Terminal services from one source
Solutions for combined transport. Goods are in good hands with us. We take care of transshipment at the terminal and perfect coordination between shippers, forwarders, operators, shipping companies and rail transport companies. Modern technologies and qualified personnel guarantee fast and safe handling.
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Terminal Service Austria: Terminal services from one source
film recordings, music in the background, textinsertsA portal crane loads various containers.
Seven terminals across Austria
More than one million TEU, of total handling capacity UCT + Rolling Road
up to 15.000 TEU, of storage capacity UCT
Your terminal partner:
- flexible
- neutral
- across AustriaA map of Austria shows the locations of the seven terminals.
Seven Intermodal Terminals in Austria
- Vienna South Terminal
- Terminal St. Michael
- Terminal Wels
- Villach Terminal
- Terminal Wörgl
- Brenner Lake Terminal
- Terminal Wolfurt
International networkThe different areas of responsibility of Terminal Service Austria are presented.
Services of Terminal Service Austria
- Transfer service
- Handling of intermodal loading units
- Rolling Road
- Innovative semi-trailer handling
- Perfect disposition and state-of-the-art IT software
- logistics services
- Interim parking and storing
- Depot management and repair and cleaning of containers
Your terminal partner:
- neutral
- flexible
- across Austria
Terminal Innovations
With video gates and authorisation cards, we automate entry and exit processes of loading units and shorten processing and throughput times at the terminals. The first video gates have been installed at the Terminal Wien Süd. The information video for truck drivers shows a journey through the terminal. It shows, for example, registration with the authorisation card and the video gates at the entrance and exit.
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Terminal News - Güterzentrum Wien Süd
Filming, text inserts & music in the backgroundTextinsert:
Terminal News Güterzentrum Wien Süd
Video gate entry - Maximum Speed 20 km/h - stop forbiddenThe video shows the innovations at the Terminal Wien Süd. The camera recording starts at the entrance and leads you through the entire area of the terminal - from the entrance through the video gate to the registration with the authorisation card to the exit through the video gate.
Text insert:
Registration with the authorisation card at the checker and afterwards in the terminal buildingIn the film recording, the procedure of registration with the authorisation card is shown.
Text insert:
Entry crane runway - only possible with authorisation card
Hold the card in front of the sensor - barrier opens, drive continues
Loading and unloading - remains the same
Video gate exit - maximum speed 20 km/h - stop forbidden
Kiosk exit - barrier automatically opens
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Terminal Wolfurt
product film, music in the background, textinsertsTextinserts:
We connect marketsTextinserts: Terminal Wolfurt
Vorarlberg's gateway to the world
- Total area: approx. 106,000m2
- Annual container turnover: 190,000 ITE
- UKV loading tracks: 4 x 600m
- Storage capacity: 5,200 TEUMore about the location:
Textinserts: Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.
- Close to the customs office for customs clearance (AT and CH)
- Connection to north-west ports Hamburg, Bremen, - Bremerhaven, Rotterdam & Antwerp
- Direct connection to A14The services of the terminal are accompanied by pictures:
Textinserts: Terminal Wolfurt
- Efficient and reliable container handling
- Incoming inspection with quality control according to international standards
- Comprehensive range of services directly on site
- 2 portal cranes
- Container handling from rail to road
- Fast turnaround times and dispatch of trucks
- Depot management in accordance with the requirements of the shipping companies
- 1 container stacker
- 2 empty container stackers
- Container Repairs
- High availability of empty containersOverview of the Wolfurt terminal:
Textinserts: Terminal Wolfurt
Part of Terminal Services Austria
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.
- 7 terminals
- 7 portal cranes
- 16 container stackers
- Total quantity ROLA: 265,944 trucks (2019)
- Maximum storage capacity: 14,400 TEU
- Total amount of UCT: 496,539 ITE (2019)We connect markets
ÖBB Infra
Terminal St. Michael - Repair competence centre
The video presents the services of the TSA terminal in St. Michael. The location is also considered the No. 1 competence centre in Austria when it comes to container repair. We are your specialists for the fulfilment of high customer demands and security.
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TSA Terminal St. Michael - No. 1 repair competence centre in Austria
product film, music in the background, textinsertsTextinserts: We connect markets.
Terminal St. Michael repair competence centre
- Total area: approx. 15,000 m²
- UKV loading tracks: 2 x 360 m
- Storage capacity UKV: approx. 1,000 TEU
- 2 container stackersA map overview of the terminals is shown:
Terminal Wels, Freight Centre Vienna South, Freight Centre Wörgl, Terminal St. Michael, Freight Centre Villach, Terminal Brennersee, Terminal Wolfurt
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.More about the location:
Textinserts: Terminal St. Michael
- Train connection to the Ruhr area
- Proximity to industrial areas in Upper Styria
- Direct motorway connection to the A9, S6 and S36
- Direct connection to St. Michael railway station
- CCTFilm footage shows the services at the site:
Textinserts: Specialised and service-oriented.
- Welding work incl. sealing
- Check of the ITE according to IICL5 standard
- Painting of containersTextinserts: Flexible and versatile.
- Disposition of the loading units
- Transfer service of containers
- Container transfer from road to railDisplay of an overview of the St. Michael terminal:
Textinserts: Part of Terminal Services Austria
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.
- 7 terminals
- 7 portal cranes
- 16 container stackers
- Total quantity ROLA: 265,944 trucks (2019)
- Maximum storage capacity: 14,400 TEU
- Total amount of UCT: 496,539 ITE (2019)We connect markets.
ÖBB Infra
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TSA Terminal Wels - hub in the heart of Austria
product film, music in the background, textinsertsTextinserts: We connect markets.
Terminal Wels - hubs in the heart of Austria
- Total area: approx. 120,000 m²
- loading tracks ROLA: 3 x 420 - 420 m
- Loading tracks forklift: 2 x 580 m
- Storage capacity UKV: approx. 1,700 TEUA map overview of the terminals is shown:
Terminal Wels, Freight Centre Vienna South, Freight Centre Wörgl, Terminal St. Michael, Freight Centre Villach, Terminal Brennersee, Terminal Wolfurt
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.More about the location:
Textinserts: Terminal Wels
- Turntable for continental traffic with international connections
- Direct motorway link to the A8
- Immediate proximity to industrial plants
- Turntable for the Upper Austrian economic areaFilm footage shows the services at the site:
Textinserts: Versatile and individualised service offer.
- Disposition of the loading units
- SOLAS weighing
Textinserts: Modern and extensive equipment.
- Depot services
- Container handling from rail to road
- loading tracks crane: 4 x 580 m
- Cover for non-craneable saddle applicators (ISU)
- Rolling Road
- ROLA display area: approx. 45 trucksDisplay of an overview of the Wels terminal:
Textinserts: Part of Terminal Services Austria
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.
- 7 terminals
- 7 portal cranes
- 16 container stackers
- Total quantity ROLA: 265,944 trucks (2019)
- Maximum storage capacity: 14,400 TEU
- Total amount of UCT: 496,539 ITE (2019)We connect markets.
ÖBB Infra
Modernisation for higher performance
The expansion of the Wels terminal will start at the beginning of 2024. By the end of 2026, the loading tracks will be extended to 700 metres, two new gantry cranes will be installed and the terminal will be converted to be passable. This will enable us to achieve higher throughput in less time and with less effort. This will keep the freight hub fit for the increasing demands of the future.
September 2023
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#ÖBBbauenauf Reconstruction Terminal Wels
Animation, text inserts & music in the backgroundThe Terminals Wels was built in the early 1990s. Now it is time to renovate and expand the intermodal transhipment terminal. An upgrade to be able to handle cargo handling even better in the future. The core of the modernisation is
the extension of the four tracks of the crane runway and the east-side connection to the west line. This will create a so-called drive-through terminal.Text insert:
Wels terminal extension
- Construction of the new administration building in timber construction
- Redesign of the Terminalstraße / A25 junction
- Deconstruction of the customs building
- Deconstruction of the administration building
- Deconstruction of In-Gate
- Simplified handling processes for customers and TSA through partially automated gates
- East-side connection of the loading tracks to the west line - creating a drive-through terminal
- PV system with 250 kW power
- Extension of the loading tracks 172 - 178 to a craneable length of 700m for handling block trains
- Capacity increase through 2 new loading cranes
- Trailer parking area
- stacker area and 3 reach stackers
Project implementation from 2024 to 2027 while maintaining terminal operations
- New gate area: less CO2, less energy consumption, less noise, automated entry and exit gates for trucks, multi-functional use incl. rolling road (ROLA)
Terminal Villach Süd
The video presents the services of the TSA Terminal Villach South. Thanks to its favourable location in the border triangle and on the two TEN corridors, the terminal location is establishing itself as the leading hub for rail-related freight traffic in the Alps-Adriatic region.
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Terminal Villach South
Film recordings, text inserts, background musicText inserts:
We connect markets
Terminal Villach South – On the way to the dry port
- Total area: approximately 70.000 m²
- Annual container turnover: ~ 40.000 ITE
- UCT loading tracks: 6 x 300-350 m
- Storage capacity: 1.000 TEUAustria map is shown with the locations of TSA.
Text inserts:
- Freight Centre Vienna South (CCT)
- Terminal Wels (ROLA, CCT)
- Freight Centre Wörgl (ROLA)
- Freight Centre Wolfurt (CCT)
- Terminal Brennersee (CCT)
- Freight Centre Villach South (CCT)
- Terminal St. Michael (CCT)
flexible. neutral. austria-wide.Zoom on the location Terminal Villach South.
Text inserts:
Terminal Villach South (CCT)
- Direct connection via A2 and A11 motorway
- Favourable location in the tristate area, Austria – Italy – Slovenia
- Turnstile of the Tauern Axis & Baltic-Adriatic AxisVarious film recordings from the terminal are shown.
Text inserts:
The terminal in the tristate area.
- Authorised place of goods (customs)
- Solas weighing
- Hub and depot services from a single source.
- 2 reachstackers
- Temporary storing of goods & stuffing
- Railway yard & turnstile of goods
- Container handling from rail to road
- Container-repairsTerminal Villach South
Part of the Services Austria
flexible. neutral. austria-wide.
- 7 terminals
- 6 gantry cranes
- 11 container stackers
- Total ROLA volume: approx. 340.000 trucks (2021)
- Maximum storage capacity: 15.400 TEU
- Total volume UCT: approx. 533.000 ITE (2021)
We connect markets
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Terminal Wien Süd
Product film, music in the background, textinsertsÖBB Infra
Textinserts: We connect markets.
Terminal Wien Süd - central freight hub
- Total area: approximately 250,000 m²
- Loading tracks ROLA: 6 x 700 m
- Annual container throughput: 310,000 ITE
- Storage capacity UKV: 6,000 TEUA map overview of the terminals is shown:
Terminal Wels, Terminal Wien Süd, Terminal Wörgl, Terminal St. Michael, Terminal Villach, Terminal Brennersee, Terminal Wolfurt
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.More about the location:
Textinserts: Terminal Wien Süd
- Intersection of three freight corridors
- Train connections in all directions & direct connection to the S1 motorway
- Approved goods location (customs)
- Direct swing entrance to the crane trackFilm footage shows the services at the site:
Textinserts: Optimal disposition and flexibility on site.
- SOLAS weighing - incoming check with quality controlTextinserts: Your supply chain in safe hands.
- 2 gantry cranes
- Short turnaround times & fast handling of trucks
- Container repairs
- Interim storage of goods & stuffing
- Connections of cooling and heating
- High availability of empty containersPresentation of an overview of the Terminal Wien Süd:
Textinserts: part of Terminal Services Austria
Flexible. Neutral. Austria-wide.
- 7 terminals
- 6 gantry cranes
- 11 container stackers
- Total ROLA volume: approximately 268,000 trucks (2020)
- Maximum storage capacity: 15,400 TEU
- Total volume UCT: 475,000 ITE (2020)We connect markets
ÖBB Infra