User administration
User administration is carried out via the online ordering system M-AMA. To login (via M-AMA OBS including user management).
Product information
The construction plan offers all authorised parties information on planned construction projects including information on their operational impact.
The construction operations plan enables all authorised users to find out about the planned projects and their operational impact. The WEB-Baubetriebsplan has been modified into a new planning system (‘WEB-BBP NEU’) and has been available to all users since the end of May 2024. The construction operations plan is now displayed on a daily basis, meaning that publication dates are no longer necessary.
How you benefit
- Current overview of construction sites
- Evaluations according to date, time, region, section of route, type of work or estimated delay.
Access to Web-BBP and password allocation is provided as a matter of principle to licensed RUs. Please direct registration inquiries to the One Stop Shop (OSS).
Contact us
You still have questions about construction planning? Our team is happy to help.
DI Roland Pavel
ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Mobile: +43 664 6176120
Send an email