Treatment of (train) movements without the need of an authorisation for placing on market according to the Railway Act

We support you in obtaining the necessary approval for (train) movements in accordance with § 36 (4) or § 110 (7) Austrian Railway Act – for instance transfers, measurement runnings and test runnings.


Rail vehicles that are to be used in accordance with § 36 (4) or § 110 (7) Austrian Railway Act require an approval from ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.

This applies to the following movements:

  • Transfer movements, test runnings or measurement runnings with rail vehicles that take place outside the general passenger, luggage or freight traffic.
  • Transfer movements, test runnings or measurement runnings with rail vehicles which are intended for export and for which no type approval and operating permit/authorisation for placing on the market is to be issued.
  • Training movements for railway staff on railway vehicles for which a type authorisation or an authorisation for placing on market has been applied only on those railways on which they are to be operated in accordance with the application.
  • occasional movements by rail vehicles whose authorised users have their principal place of residence (registered office) in another state and these rail vehicles are officially authorised in that state, for the purpose of track maintenance.

Other movements referred to in §§ 36 subsection 4 and 110 subsection 7 shall be treated as exceptional consignments.

The application for "approval for certain movements in accordance with §§ 36 (4) or 110 (7) Railway Act" must be accompanied in any case:

  • Data sheet for rail vehicles (form of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG)
  • Type plan (ground plan, elevation, side plan)
  • In the case of test runnings, precise description of the purpose and scenarios

General regulations and documents for transfers, measurement runnings and test runnings (German)

General regulations and documents for transfers, measurement runnings and test runnings (German)
Caption Name des Regelwerks Gültig ab Gültig bis
50-01-01 TNZ 05.07.2023.pdf Technischer Netzzugang 05.07.2023 26.06.2024
50-01-01 TNZ 27.06.2024.pdf Technischer Netzzugang 27.06.2024
50-01-01-01 FB Antrag Netzreg D 21 05 2024.docx Antrag NETZREGISTRIERUNG - Deutsch 21.05.2024
50-01-01-01 FB Antrag Netzreg E 11 03 2024.docx Application NETWORK REGISTRATION - Englisch 11.03.2024
50-01-01-02 INFO.pdf INFO - Bearbeitungsdauer 11.04.2024
50-01-01-04 FB Antrag 36-4 D.docx Antrag GENEHMIGUNGSFREIE FAHRTEN / PROBEFAHRTEN - Deutsch 25.02.2022
50-01-01-04 FB Antrag 36-4 E.docx Application MOVEMENTS §§36(4) or 110(7) / TEST RUNS - Englisch 25.02.2022
Datenblatt - DTFZ - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt Dampf - TFZ - Version 23-08-2023 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - ETFZ - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - ETFZ - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - ETW - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - ETW - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt Güterwagen - Version 2023-08-25.xlsx Datenblatt Güterwagen - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - RZW - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - RZW - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - STW - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - STW - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - VTFZ - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - VTFZ - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023
Datenblatt - VTW - Version 2023-08-25.xlsm Datenblatt - VTW - Version 2023-08-25 25.08.2023