"ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG manages the majority of Austria's rail infrastructure and constructs future-oriented rail infrastructure projects on behalf of the Republic of Austria. Especially because of the use of public funds and the great responsibility towards society as a public company, the highest compliance standards are essential cornerstones of business activity. As members of the Management Board of ÖBB-Infrastruktur, we are committed to these compliance standards and sustainably promote them throughout the entire company."
Silvia Angelo, Judith Engel, Johann Pluy
On behalf of the Austrian government ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG invests an annual average amount of EURO 3.5 billion in the ÖBB railway infrastructure according to the framework plan. Using public funds requires special diligence. Thus, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG is responsible for effective, efficient and transparent business processes. In order to fulfil this responsibility an independent compliance organisation is needed that operates across the entire group, implements appropriate measures and provides easily accessible consultation. The Code of Conduct, which is binding for all employees of the entire ÖBB Group, outlines the ethical and general principles guiding the ÖBB Group in its economic activities.
The ÖBB Group's whistleblower system allows internal and external stakeholders to report any potential misconduct at any time, even anonymously. Such stakeholders can exchange documents and, if preferred, maintain contact through a dedicated mailbox. The process is confidential and secure, and whistleblowers can choose whether or not to disclose their identity. If you wish to submit a confidential report, you can access the ÖBB Group's secure reporting channel through the following link:
Compliance Organisation
The ÖBB Group Compliance Office is installed in ÖBB-Holding AG and led by an independent Chief Compliance Officer. In addition, there are independent Compliance Officers in each of the subgroup companies, such as ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG.
The Compliance Organisation is primarily responsible for prevention, early detection and investigation of issues related to white-collar crime and corruption. The comprehensive ÖBB Group Compliance Management System ensures that the business activities of the ÖBB Group comply with legal requirements as well as internal principles and guidelines.
By providing clear guidelines and procedures, along with regular trainings and ongoing consultation, the Compliance Organisation contributes to the prevention of damage to the ÖBB Group, its employees and business partners.
Identifying potential compliance risks at an early stage is crucial to counteract them adequately. For this reason, the Compliance Organisation regularly conducts threat assessments, compliance audits, and provides comprehensive advice on sanctions regimes.
The Compliance Organisation is required to investigate compliance-related whistleblower reports to decisively address potential misconduct. The results of these investigations lead to recommendations for improvements and the imposition of appropriate sanctions.

Compliance Officer ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG
Mag.phil.Mag.Dr.iur. Verena Dolovai
I would like to make a report: Whistleblowing
Privacy Policy for making a Whistleblower report
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