Corridor One Stop Shop (C-OSS)
Close cooperation between European infrastructure managers is essential for effective freight transport. Cooperation within the rail corridors facilitates harmonised technical, operational and organisational regulations. A Corridor One Stop Shop (C-OSS) has been put in place for each corridor as a single reference point for railway companies. It offers access for railway undertakings – and for applicants who are not railway undertakings – to the Path Coordination System (PCS), where they can order international train paths on the corridors.
Five freight corridors in Austria
Five freight corridors run through Austria; most of Austria’s major business centres and all of its important transit routes are part of this network. ÖBB-Infrastruktur is playing an active role in the implementation of the EU Regulation by contributing to the further development of the corridors running through Austria.
More information on the Corridor One Stop Shops, as well as practical information on the rules that apply to these freight corridors, is available on the corridors’ dedicated websites.