These house rules apply to all railway stations and stops.
Please also note the separate versions that follow.
Alcohol consumption ban
At the stations Vienna Praterstern, Wiener Neustadt Central Station, Salzburg Main Station, Innsbruck Central Station, Feldkirch and Dornbirn the consumption of alcoholic beverages and/or possessing alcohol with the intent to consume it is prohibited throughout the entire station area. However, this does not apply to businesses or areas where food and drinks are served.
Railway stations and stops with platforms without a safety line
Please pay particular attention to your safety on platforms without a safety line. Entering the platform is prohibited, except to get on and off a train after it has stopped.
Stations and stops with platforms without a safety line
Railway stations and stops with platforms without a safety line
Abfaltersbach West, Admont, Aschach an der Donau, Auersthal, Aurolzmünster, Bierbaum, Bockfließ, Breiteneich, Breitensee N.Ö., Breitwiesen, Buchberg, Diensthubersiedlung, Ebensee, Eferding, Eis-Ruden, Fehring, Feldbach, Finklham, Forst Hilti, Friedburg, Fürstenfeld, Furth, Furth-Göttweig, Gaisbach-Wartberg, Garsten, Gerling OÖ, Gießenbach, Gleisdorf, Gleissenfeld, Gobelsburg, Grafendorf, Granitztal, Grieswirt, Groß Engersdorf, Gstatterboden im Nationalpark, Hart-Wörth, Haslach, Hausruck, Herzograd, Hinterstoder, Holzleithen, Horn, Hüttau Terminal, Iglmühle, Kainisch, Kalköfen-Daxberg, Kamegg, Kirchstetten, Klaus, Kothmühle, Kranebitten, Kraubath, Kremsmünster, Lahnstein, Lahöfen, Lahrndorf, Langenlois, Langwies, Lauffen, Laxenburg-Biedermannsdorf, Leithen, Leumühle, Lilienfeld Krankenhaus, Mandling, Maria Lanzendorf, Maria Rain, Mariahof-St. Lambrecht, Marktl, Matzen, Mautbrücken, Micheldorf, Mittewald a. d. Drau, Mittlern, Neufelden, Neuhaus-Niederwaldkirchen, Niedernfritz-St. Martin, Ober Waltersdorf, Oberbrunn, Oberhart, Ottnang-Wolfsegg, Pettenbach, Pillichsdorf, Prottes, Puchberg am Schneeberg, Radstadt, Raggendorf, Raggendorf Markt, Redl-Zipf, Rohrbach-Vorau, Rosenburg, Rottenegg, Sarmingstein, Sattledt, Scharnstein-Mühldorf, Schiflugschanze Kulm, Schönberg am Kamp, Schönfeld-Lassee, Schönwies, Sebersdorf, Söchau, St. Georgen a. d. Gusen, St. Georgen a. d. Mattig, St. Georgen am Längsee, Stadl-Paura, Stallegg, Steeg-Gosau, Steinbachbrücke, Steinhaus bei Wels, Steyrling, Suben, Summerau, Tattendorf, Tauchendorf-Haidensee, Teesdorf, Traiskirchen Aspangbahn, Traxenbichl, Unter Höflein, Unterhart, Untersiebenbrunn, Vellach-Khünburg, Viechtwang, Viehofen, Voitsdorf, Völkermarkt-Kühnsdorf, Wartberg im Mürztal, Weißenbach-St. Gallen, Wels Lokalbahn, Wiesenfeld-Schwarzenbach, Wiesmühle, Wilfling, Windischgarsten, Wolfsthal

More security through video surveillance
Stations are places of encounter. They are among the most frequented areas in public space. Besides a variety of measures, we also rely on video surveillance. You can find more information on this in our data protection declaration.

Passenger rights
Passengers travelling by rail have a number of basic rights, but due to the scope of the legislation, these can only be presented here for information purposes and in extracts.