Investing in mobile network coverage
The use of mobile communication is constantly increasing. We make phone calls, send text messages, receive emails, surf the internet and use social networks. The availability of a modern infrastructure for mobile voice and data services is a basic requirement today. Rail transport companies appreciate this. In addition, investments in mobile network coverage increase safety in railway operations.

Continuous network expansion
With an extensive investment package, mobile network coverage has been improved along Austria's most important railway lines in recent years and additional stations have been equipped with WLAN. Around 1,500 kilometres of the railway network already have good mobile phone reception. The expansion of network coverage was carried out in accordance with the state of the art in all common mobile radio standards.
Towards 5G
In the next few years, mobile radio expansion is to take place on further lines, including new construction projects such as the Koralm railway. Included in the programme: the expansion to 5G. Available mobile radio technologies will then be 2G, 4G and 5G. Since 3G/UMTS will be decommissioned by some operators in the next few years, a future expansion with 3G is still being evaluated.
More mobile communication

Transcript of image for reading
The graphic shows a map of Austria with highlighted routes, in blue those already equipped with mobile radio, in red those that are planned or being implemented.
Safe, efficient and attractive rail operations
State-of-the-art mobile radio coverage ensures optimised and safe operations. Mobile radio serves as a fallback level and supplement for radio systems used in operations. The planned expansion will secure and improve (data) communication. Railway undertakings will also benefit from end-to-end mobile connectivity in trains - train travel will become even more attractive. In addition, the joint use of radio sites will create synergy effects for the railway's own radio services.
Mobile communications and health
The expansion of the mobile radio infrastructure takes place exclusively on railway property. Preference is given to the existing infrastructure along the railway lines, such as transmission masts of the company radio or traction current masts. The sites are connected to the fibre optic network of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG, which offers speeds of up to 600Mbit/s per site and complies with the most modern mobile radio standards. In this context, we would also like to inform you about the topic of mobile radio and health. Our partners, the mobile network operators, are guided by internationally valid guidelines of the World Health Organisation (WHO), which are also bindingly applicable in Austria with the ÖVE/ÖNORM E8850. The limit values for mobile radio systems specified therein, are scientifically recognised and form the basis for our and your safety. Measures to improve mobile radio exclusively concern the railway line – antenna alignments are focused on the railway line and serve the safety of railway operations and better mobile radio coverage in the trains.