My place of heaven. My Enns Valley Railway.
Reshaping the Enns Valley: In the coming years 171 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Enns Valley Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

My diversity. My Styrian Eastern Railway.
Reshaping Eastern Styria: In the coming years, 198 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Styrian Eastern Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

My relaxation programme. My Salzkammergut Railway.
Reshaping the Salzkammergut: In the coming years, 212 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Salzkammergut Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.