TerminalRevolution (TREVO)

We are aiming for a new milestone and relying on state-of-the-art technology: gantry cranes with new remote control stations will bring further benefits to customers in the future. By the end of 2027, TSA will commission five new gantry cranes at the Terminals Wien Süd, Wels  and Wolfurt and convert four existing cranes to remote control stations.

Ein grüner Kran mit der Aufschrift "Die Schiene bringt´s ... der Umwelt zu Liebe."

Growth through innovation

By increasing the capacity of the equipment, shorter throughput times can be achieved in the future, allowing more loading units to be handled. This saves time for everyone involved – an important factor for our customers. What's more, the new energy-efficient and easy-to-maintain gantry cranes will replace the more emission-intensive forklift trucks, which will also have a positive impact on the environmental footprint of our customers and their products.
The tender was won by an Austrian crane manufacturer. This strengthens the local economy and secures jobs. The use of state-of-the-art gantry cranes is also an improvement for the operators. The cranes will be operated from a modern and ergonomically designed workplace in the terminal building.

In 2026, the Terminal Wolfurt will start a pilot project in which both gantry cranes will be converted to remote control stations. Two new cranes will follow in Wien Süd towards the end of 2026, two more in Wels in the first half of 2027 and one more in Wolfurt. The two existing gantry cranes in Wien Süd will also be converted to remote control in 2027.

Conversion of 4 cranes to remote control:

  • 2 in Wolfurt at the beginning of 2026
  • 2 in Vienna at the beginning of 2027

5 new cranes including remote control stand:

  • 2 in Vienna end of 2026
  • 2 in Wels early 2027
  • 1 in Wolfurt mid 2027
Gantry cranes and container hoists