The section Graz–Weitendorf includes a 13-kilometre-long new railway line between Feldkirchen and Weitendorf as well as the connection of the Koralm railway to the southern cargo terminal (Graz Cargo Centre). In addition, several railway stations are adapted and made fit for the Koralm railway.
Below the road
This final piece of the Koralm railway puzzle has a total length of 19 km. The technical highlight of this is the new underground route. In future, trains will submerge south of the A2 crossing, run under the B67 past the airport and come to the surface again at Zettling. This will achieve maximum environmental and noise protection.
Direct access for goods
In addition to passenger traffic, freight services in particular will benefit from this. The Wundschuh Freight Station will connect the Terminal at Graz South directly to the Koralm Railway. That means not only a logistical improvement, but also better access to the major ports of the Adriatic and the Baltic.
Comprehensive traffic concept
For the construction of the new section between Feldkirchen and Weitendorf, including the underpass, it is necessary to close the B67 to through traffic. A comprehensive traffic concept ensures that the restrictions remain as low as possible. You can find the currently valid traffic phases here. In addition, our ombudsman Oskar Kaiser is available to answer your questions on this construction phase at 0664/88172053 or ombudsmann.graz.weitendorf@gmail.com.