Digital customer platform

Digital customer platform
Networked sales management
Platform for ordering to billing
Fast access to information

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Networked sales managment

Customised information and services relating to products and services. Centralised customer relationship management (CRM) reduces manual interfaces and relieves the burden of time-consuming work steps. By linking production, service and sales processes, we will create an efficient interplay of customer-relevant processes in the future. This will pave the way for greater customer satisfaction, profitability and efficiency.

Platform for ordering to invoicing

Networked processes in the areas of operations, service management, contracting, sales, marketing and after-sales ensure greater transparency, create an overview and simplify workflows. Currently, many channels are used to access systems and databases, some of which are self-sufficient. The CONNY customer platform makes up-to-date data available quickly and easily. ÖBB-Infrastruktur is thus digitalising sales-relevant processes and establishing a central customer database. Logging in enables access to authorised systems.

Fast access to information

A modular structure with permanent development and integration of additional functions is planned. This primarily concerns the embedding of applications and the structured presentation of customer data, orders, invoices and complaints as well as their status. As a first step, the railpower box client web application has already been integrated into the customer platform.

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