GSM-R radio

GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications-Railway) is the digital radio standard of European railways and facilitates communication during daily operations. A large section of ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG’s rail network is already equipped with GSM-R train radio, which is the technical prerequisite for gaining access to the network.

Radio mast

Many Functions

GSM-R offers secure and smooth communication and enables group, emergency and priority calls. Each train can be contacted using its train number and engine number. There is also the option of transferring data. This also forms the basis for the ETCS Level 2 train control system (European Train Control System). You can find information on GSM-R network expansion, terminal devices or profiles in the download area and prices in the Network Statement.

GSM-R Roaming

Currently, roaming connections are possible for GSM-R.

  • Germany
  • Switzerland
  • Czech Republic
  • Italy
  • Netherlands
  • Belgium
  • Hungary
  • Slovenia

The processing time from applying for a new roaming connection through to its technical activation takes at least six months. Public roaming, i.e. the possibility of making calls to the public GSM network, is not offered in Austria at present.

SIM card

Ordering SIM cards

The SIM cards required for using GSM-R services come in various profiles Profile overview (SIM-Karten-Profilübersicht.pdf). Depending on the selected profile, different GSM-R services can be used. GSM-R SIM cards can be ordered via ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG’s One Stop Shop (OSS). A fully completed order form serves as the basis for an offer. If additional services are required which are not covered by the minimum access package, additional service prices may be charged.

Contact details

1st level support
24 hours a day/365 days a year

2nd level support
Monday to Thursday from 07:00 am to 04:00 pm.
Friday from 07:00 am to 01:00 pm.

Technische Betriebsführung/Netze/Funk
(Technical Management/Networks/Radio)

ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG

Phone +43 51778 851 1006

Information GSM-R (German)

Information GSM-R (German)
Caption File type File size Modification date
Abkürzungen.pdf PDF 38,8 KB 07.11.2023, 13:12
Ausbauplan.pdf PDF 937,5 KB 22.05.2024, 14:19
Handfunkgeräte und Software (empfohlen).pdf PDF 197,7 KB 07.11.2023, 13:12
Inbetriebnahmen.pdf PDF 150 KB 10.01.2025, 11:27
Kurzwahlen.pdf PDF 37,3 KB 07.11.2023, 13:12
On-Board-Unit für ETCS (empfohlen).pdf PDF 10,7 KB 14.11.2023, 11:29
SIM-Karten-EC Declaration of Conformity.pdf PDF 53,8 KB 14.11.2023, 11:30
SIM-Karten-Profilübersicht.pdf PDF 42,3 KB 29.05.2024, 10:53
Triebfahrzeug-Endgeraete und -Software (empfohlen).pdf PDF 102,1 KB 09.10.2024, 13:20
V-Betrieb Frequenzliste.pdf PDF 410 KB 07.11.2023, 13:12