Bahnsteig Neumarkt am Wallersee, Zug fährt ein

Upgrade Steindorf– Neumarkt

Neumarkt am Wallersee is the new mobility hub in the region Flachgau. The Mattig Valley Railway was extended for this purpose. The stations Steindorf bei Straßwalchen and Neumarkt am Wallersee are new, barrier-free and equipped with modern facilities.

Mobility hub Flachgau

This economical upgrade of the corridor between Steindorf bei Straßwalchen and Neumarkt am Wallersee will create the best prerequisites for attractive, local public transport. The package will be supplemented by a bus terminal for connections to the regional bus lines and a Park&Ride facility with almost 300 car parking spaces.

Your benefits

    • Accessible, safe and modern stations
    • Basis for even more effective local transport
    • Supra-regional transport hub in the region Flachgau