
Capacity planning within the framework of TTR is carried out in three consecutive elements both in time and content: Capacity Strategy, Capacity Model and Capacity Supply.

Pyramid, available capacity at the top, capacity model below, capacity strategy at the bottom

Capacity Strategy

3 years before the working timetable change at X-36, the Capacity Strategy provides early information about

  • the state of the infrastructure,
  • major impact Temporary Capacity Restrictions (TCRs)
  • and expected traffic flows.

Added value

  • Serves as a basis for internationally harmonised capacity planning
  • Information about infrastructure changes, TCRs and traffic flows is available in an internationally standardised format
  • Serves customers for medium-term capacity planning

Capacity Model

The Capacity Model shows international and national partitioned capacity according to traffic types as well as high and major impact TCRs. It is published approx. 9 months before the main requesting date at X-18. It shows the capacity per hour per line section. The capacities are partitioned according to traffic types and products (requesting times). The model is based on historical data, known service extensions by RUs, traffic forecasts and capacity needs announcements (CNAs). In the future, the Capacity Model and the CNAs will be processed and published via the RNE IT tool ECMT (European Capacity Management Tool).


  • Overview of available capacities according to traffic types and products
  • Overview of capacity impacts through major and high impact TCRs (Temporary Capacity Restrictions) including diversion routes
  • Early identification of bottlenecks with the possibility of optimisation through systematisation

Capacity Supply

The Capacity Supply is based on the volumes published in the Capacity Model and comprises time-path diagrams for 24 hours and 365 days. The capacities shown in the time-path diagram are partitioned according to traffic types and products in line with the capacity model.

Added value

  • Possibility for optimisation of the existing infrastructure
  • Safeguarded capacity according to market-demand regarding volume and quality
  • Flexibility for short-term requests, especially in rail freight, by safeguarding capacity beyond the main requesting date