Bühnenslider für die EU Rail IMs Connecting Days

EU Rail IMs Connecting Days 2024

26. – 28. November 2024
Vienna, Austria

We are delighted to welcome you to this year’s European Rail Infrastructure Managers Connecting Days in Vienna. Enhancing the future of a resilient European railway network in times of cyberattacks, natural disasters and sector-wide transformations is a significant challenge. Our infrastructure remains a cornerstone of the sustainable transport future. We are the backbone of strong freight and passenger transport in Europe. Our common goal is clear: the Single European Railway Area. To achieve this, it is up to us to shape the new capacity regulation together – both strategically and operationally – and implement the revised TEN-T regulation.

Silvia Angelo
Johann Pluy

This year, Europe has witnessed natural disasters of unprecedented magnitude. We have to learn quickly and adapt our infrastructure to the new realities, working closely with the scientific community. Significant investments will be required, while European and national resources are needed to implement our work plan and the TEN-T regulation within the agreed timeframe. More than ever, we need to focus on the essentials and leverage the major drivers of change. This will require a collective effort. We look forward to discussing the pressing issues of our time and forging initiatives for the future of the European rail infrastructure family. Vienna, in the heart of Europe, is an ideal place to strengthen the European rail network. We hope you have an enjoyable time in Vienna, make new personal connections and gain inspiring insights.

Conference Hotline

Markus Riedl

Mobile: +43 664 6172135

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