My way to the countryside. My Mattig Valley Railway.
Reshaping the Mattig Valley: In the coming years, 220 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Mattig Valley Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

My elation. My Hausruck Railway.
Reshaping the Alpine foothills: In the coming years, 73 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Hausruck railway. The railway in the foothills of the Alps will be extended to make it barrier-free, stations and stops will be modernised and tracks will be renewed.

My walk along the banks. My Innkreis Railway.
Reshaping the Innviertel: In the coming years, 145 million euros will be invested in modernising the Innkreis Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks renewed.

My excursion into nature. My Mühlkreis Railway.
Reshaping the Mühlviertel: In the coming years, 76 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Mühlkreis Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks renewed.

My mountain panorama. My Alm Valley Railway.
Reshaping the Alm Valley: In the coming years, 58 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Alm Valley Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks renewed.

My cultural programme. My Summerauer Railway.
Reshaping the Mühlviertel: In the coming years 121 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Summerauer Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.

My connection. My Danube Bank Railway.
Reshaping the Danube Bank: In the coming years, 95 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Danube Bank Railway. The line will be electrified and made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks renewed.

My relaxation programme. My Salzkammergut Railway.
Reshaping the Salzkammergut: In the coming years, 212 million euros will be invested in the modernisation of the Salzkammergut Railway. The line will be made barrier-free, the stations and stops will be modernised and the tracks will be renewed.