ZFM at a glance

Everything at a glance, everything from a single source. Simple provision of timetable documents, simple information, simple operation. The management of train movements supports train drivers in their daily work and is the basis for modern communication tools in the driver's cab.

Train driver looking out of locomotive

Service information

The electronic management of train movements (ZFM) relies on real-time interaction with train drivers. This simplifies communication in everyday work and optimises operational processes. Within the framework of electronic management of train movements, train movement-relevant content

  • can be integrated into existing visualisations on the user side via the ZFM interface, or
  • be used by the chargeable visualisation application infraDOAS.

The direct reference to this train-relevant content also enables improved handling in the driver's cab through visualisation and simplified application.

How you benefit

    • All train-relevant contents bundled on one interface
    • Time-optimised work processes thanks to electronic command transmission
    • Cost reduction due to elimination of paper documents
Train driver on the locomotive

Electronic train-specific timetable documents

Further contents in the electronic management of train movements

Ownership of the fallback level

Existing responsibilities, processes, agreements, interfaces for the procurement and internal distribution of train-specific timetable documents are neither changed nor replaced by the electronic management of train movements. The RU is responsible for ensuring a fallback solution. Here, content is available in the previous format as a PDF and as a print version. In the event of a failure of the electronic command transmission, it is up to the dispatcher to decide whether to transmit commands in written form or verbally.